La Unidad Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado “UMAPAT”, ha incrementado su trabajo con la finalidad de instalar una nueva bomba de motor de agua en la estación San Pedro y de esta manera repotenciar el fluido del líquido vital en las ciudadelas del norte de la urbe triúnfense. El...
Categoría: Noticias
Alrededor de 175 niños del Cantón pertenecientes a las modalidades Creciendo con Nuestros Hijos (CNH) y Centros de Desarrollo Infantil (CDI) se beneficiaron con la brigada de cedulación promovida por el GAD Municipal, Jefatura Política, MIES, y más Instituciones Públicas, en convenio con el Registro Civil. Esta campaña tuvo como...
Concluyó el adoquinado en la avenida 10 de agosto que conforma el paquete de obras que se ejecutará en el presente año. Esta obra ejecutada por la Alcaldía de El Triunfo, mejora la calidad de vida de la población del lugar. Para hacer realidad este proyecto, el GAD Municipal destinó...
Posesión del Dr. David Martillo Pinos
Este 15 de mayo de 2019 se realizó la posesión del Dr. David Martillo Pino nuevo Alcalde del Cantón El Triunfo acompañado de sus ediles Lcda. Yolanda Vallejo Peñafiel, Sra. Gloria Maria Quinteros Betancourt, Ing. Anuar Bermeo, Ab. Michelle Coronel y la Srta. Mabel Tenezaca.. Donde se eligió a la Lcda. Yolanda Vallejo Peñafiel como la nueva...
How to Make Your Breakfast Easy and Yummy
A lot of products available in supermarkets look and smell delicious. All this just to whet our appetite and motivate for a purchase. However, such a mouthwatering effect isn’t achieved naturally. Most of them are stuffed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives that can have a negative impact on your health when consumed frequently. But it...
Everyday Dinner Choices for a Healthier, Happier You
A lot of products available in supermarkets look and smell delicious. All this just to whet our appetite and motivate for a purchase. However, such a mouthwatering effect isn’t achieved naturally. Most of them are stuffed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives that can have a negative impact on your health when consumed frequently. But it...
Standardizing the Organic Industry in the USA
A lot of products available in supermarkets look and smell delicious. All this just to whet our appetite and motivate for a purchase. However, such a mouthwatering effect isn’t achieved naturally. Most of them are stuffed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives that can have a negative impact on your health when consumed frequently. But it...
How Can Salmon be Raised Organically in Fish Farms?
A lot of products available in supermarkets look and smell delicious. All this just to whet our appetite and motivate for a purchase. However, such a mouthwatering effect isn’t achieved naturally. Most of them are stuffed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives that can have a negative impact on your health when consumed frequently. But it...
10 Health Benefits: What Secrets Do Watermelons Keep?
A lot of products available in supermarkets look and smell delicious. All this just to whet our appetite and motivate for a purchase. However, such a mouthwatering effect isn’t achieved naturally. Most of them are stuffed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives that can have a negative impact on your health when consumed frequently. But it...
Lemons & Limes: Why They are Especially Tasty in Winter
A lot of products available in supermarkets look and smell delicious. All this just to whet our appetite and motivate for a purchase. However, such a mouthwatering effect isn’t achieved naturally. Most of them are stuffed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives that can have a negative impact on your health when consumed frequently. But it...